Type 2 Diabetes can be reversed with a whole food plant based diet, I've learned.

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It is marvelous that such “easy” to apply and critically important to good/great health info is being made available here. Hats off to all involved! This is a treasure of service that you share.

Now, I’m sorry that there is any censorship happening — but certainly not surprised! A few decades back, I was married to a prominent preventive medicine, holistic M.D., a humble leader in general medicine, founding member in the then American Holistic Medical Association, and others. Trained as both a D.O. as well as an M.D., he did outstanding work, bringing all modalities to patients, including all you’ve shared here and a good deal more, charging relatively little (even taking eggs as payment if patient needed!). In the 1980’s, we had a clinic on 3 acres in So California. In the clinic’s light-filled atrium was Hippocrates’ quote. Perfect!

Not surprisingly, the more popular the holistic medical center and my husband’s practice became, the more patients enthusiastically shared their stories of gaining health, the subtle and not so subtle harassment and jealousy extant in the “regular” medical providers ramped up. Sometimes it became fairly ugly.

Then, as now, selfish, greedy powers wanted our populace in thrall to Big Pharma and to themselves, rather than the People learn to use medical pros as “tools” as they help themselves in partnership with their docs and other pro helpers — then go on with Life.

My husband was many years older than I so he passed a few years back — before the tech era’s “easy” tools of harassment, silencing and “canceling” physicians such as is being done to you. He would be appalled but not surprised.

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