I read this statement, with its simple enumeration of facts, and I am left aghast wondering, how did the world go so self-righteously hysterical?

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With foreknowledge of human herd behavior dynamics, it was planned by evil men holding power. From James Madison, in truth, all men holding power ought to be mistrusted.

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No prayer life.

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And yet so many who pray were themselves misled.

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Critical thinking skills, internal comfort-level balance checkpoint system. A dedication to self conviction over fitting in.

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Critical thinking skills, internal comfort-level balance checkpoint system. A dedication to self conviction over fitting in.

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Rock On!!!

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Thank you brave brothers and sisters. My heart tells me you are carrying the torch of freedom high above the fog of war. You are the clear voice which rings true across the land and seas of this earth, into eternity. You represent millions of us who stand tall, by your side. The truth is your loving sword, shining and bright and strong. A sword who's conviction, goodness, and love for mankind is the antidote to falsehood and lies. But not for the darkness and treachery, are we able to marvel at the greatness of the good you do and the magnificence of your Godly hearts. We are here with you. We support you. Thank you.

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"The peoples enemies: 'Criminals and Government'; so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first"

-- Thomas Jefferson

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Beautiful, thank you for summarizing all this medical tyranny so succinctly! What a great letter.

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So many of us are yearning to move past this and into a life of thriving and happiness without this dystopian agenda hanging over our heads. Wish I knew of physical, like-minded communities, villages to join with.

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Me too!

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Aut cum scuto aut in scuto.

There will be an inflection point soon. No hyperbole. No conspiracy. Simply the righteous against the unclean. There will be no sidelines on which to hide. At your door step it will arrive.

Be ready.

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From your hearts to God's ears... The concision and precision of the above communication speak for the integrity and intelligence of the signers.

Thankfully you continue to be our Frontline warriors

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Yes, thank you for sharing the truth. Chemicals, yeast, e-coli; Environmental toxins. Take responsibility for own health.

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Oh! I’m also concerned about what David Nixon has shown in the dental analgesics! What in the world does one do if we need a filling or other dental work?!

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Thank you!!!!

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beware the pandemic treaty which is far from dead in the water

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Heros all!

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Mandates for mammograms? CBS said today?

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I’m sure they will include men. They still don’t know what a woman is. I just caught the end of story. I stopped watching that station years ago.

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