“How does a vaccine that turns our cells into viral antigens confer immunity and not disease?

“Those who make us believe in absurdity can make us commit atrocities.” Voltair

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In an attempt to better understand the vaccine safety tracking problem, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services gave a $1 million grant to Harvard Medical School in 2006 (ESP:VAERS). This project tracked VAERS reporting at Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare for three years in an effort to “create a generalizable system to facilitate detection and clinician reporting of vaccine adverse events, in order to improve the safety of national vaccination programs.” At the end of the study the researchers determined that:

Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. […] Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the

identification of ‘problem’ drugs and vaccines that endanger public health […and that…] new surveillance methods for drug and vaccine adverse events are needed.

So, what did the CDC do after the new system was ready to be implemented? Nothing. This is not new. (And advances in AI should make auto-reporting even easier. But of course the more issues you find…)


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CHD has very good coverage of this subject - see the end of the article “Evidence suggests dysfunction of VAERS system is deliberate strategy by U.S. health authorities” :


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No doubt, the databases function exactly as designed. That degree of incompetence did not come cheap, many public "servants" got rich making sure causation could not be established. I hope those responsible pay dearly for their greed, one day.

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All the while Big Pharma enjoy ZERO LIABILITY for their medicines (particularly intrusive DEADLY injectables) we cannot begin to TRUST anyone associated with the distribution and application of these depopulating 'medicines'. It is insane to accept these unproven 'protected' experiments!

All Safety and Efficacy data, proof, evidence, is usually created (forged = IN-House) within the labs of each manufacturer. This evidence of Safety and Efficacy is submitted to close 'FRIENDS' within the FDA, CDC, NIH, etc, where the Zero Liability rule justifies automatic acceptance of the B/S. No real 'policing' is undertaken by these meaningless corrupted authorities who accept falsified crap and authorise the continuance of the depopulation by accepting fictitious 'evidence' as genuine .

Until Pfizer, Moderna, etc, accept LIABILITY, nobody should entertain another injection of any of their deadly concoctions. It's just an insane and unjustifiable rule applied by the super greedy, super wealthy and mercenary 'vax' manufacturers.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Refuse all dangerous injections until LIABILITY is reintroduced!

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Unfortunately, the one’s ultimately responsible is Government!

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And isn't this system under-reported by at least 41 times?

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From: Stripping Rights Away By Hook or By Crook. By James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/uncategorized/stripping-rights-away-by-hook-or-by-crook/

Claim: “Serious adverse events are very rare”.

Fact: The actual rates of serious adverse events is unknown because they are tracked using the passive VAERS system. An automated system that CDC paid >$1.2 million to Harvard Pilgrim Health to build revealed that VAERS captures only 1% of adverse events. When this result was reported to CDC, they stopped returning the developers’ phone calls.

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Regulators that are also beholden to the pharma industry is yet another issue that has to be resolved. Conflict of interest anyone ?

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Pharmacovigilance is not going to happen if the government is responsible for it. We need something like the (original uncorrupted) Cochrane Collaboration to manage this process.

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All concerned in policing Safety Data regarding Covid and other dangerous mRNA injections are all manipulated to produce more 'convincing' fictitious evidence' to encourage us all to keep taking the useless but deadly jabs.

To the contrary, most of us now realise this DEPOPLUATION CULL by jab was deadly and have chosen the more safe solution to avoiding the DEADLY Diseases they create in laboratories, to justify more DEADLY, but highly profitable injections they call ''VACCINES'.

Save your kids! The Solution is to refuse all future injections until the makers accept LIABILITY. Save your kids from permanent Vax Injuries, a life of being permanently liable to more diseases or maybe a shortened Life Expectancy! Home schooling might be the only way to SAVE your children!

All the while Big Pharma enjoy ZERO LIABILITY for their medicines (particularly experimental DEADLY mRNA injectables), we cannot begin to TRUST anyone associated with the distribution and application of these depopulating 'medicines'. It is insane to accept these unproven 'protected' experiments!

All Safety and Efficacy data, proof, evidence, is usually created (forged = IN-House) within the labs of each manufacturer. This evidence of Safety and Efficacy is submitted to close 'FRIENDS' within the FDA, CDC, NIH, etc, where the Zero Liability rule justifies automatic acceptance of the B/S. No real 'policing' is undertaken by these meaningless corrupted authorities who accept falsified crap and authorise the continuance of the depopulation by accepting fictitious 'evidence' as genuine .

Until Pfizer, Moderna, etc, accept LIABILITY, nobody should entertain another injection of any of their deadly concoctions. It's just an insane and unjustifiable rule applied by the super greedy, super wealthy and mercenary 'vax' manufacturers.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Refuse all dangerous injections until LIABILITY is reintroduced!

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I callus have safe so much funds and just say those jabs where not never intended for any good after having done my own research say 2017 I can say without any doubt I refused and with this IAM not anti surgery and some medical procedures in emergency not vaccine this is what I learned in my 59 gestation cycles ex military these one not at all under any circumstances period

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