This is just perfect on so many levels. Perfectly horrifying to recall the level of trust and compliance we used to have. Perfectly exhilarating to realize the level of responsibility and freedom a minority of us have assumed. Perfectly depressing to realize that the majority will go to their deaths willingly, proud of their obedience, lashing out in rage and terror against those of us who dare to think for ourselves.

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Brought to you by Free Trade with the Enemies of The USA through Free Trade policy. #APECresultedInC19andmRNAbioweapons

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Beautifully said Surak

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An image that comes to mind: In the "Time Machine", the Eloi "... go to their deaths willingly, proud of their obedience ...."

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Great article—but it seems clear that things were even more sinister than you describe. There was willful intent to harm through the pointy bioweapons, killer protocols, and denial of proven therapeutics. Sadly, we have yet to see the full devastation of what has been done.

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So true. There are still so many neurodegenerative diseases cropping up, turbo cancers that kill within weeks, sudden deaths even in younger people. A retired teacher I know was dealing with breast cancer. While getting ready to have surgery, found out she has leukemia. Her husband found out he has prostate cancer. Both took the jabs. Those behind this whole scamdemic & bioweapon jabs are just evil.

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I agree Gary Suess!!!

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I've read more than a few times-Docs/Researchers who wrote, If you have taken 2 of these jabs, you'll be dead in 5 yrs. We're just at the beginning of the cull.

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I don’t know about you, but I’d sell my house and live in a yurt in the woods before I’d agree to receive another inoculation against anything as long as I live. 💯

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Me, too

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From the "bad catitude" Substack this was the best explanation of what was just done to us. I've put the descriptions on so people don't have to look up what those experiments were:


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And the compliance percentages fall right in line. Fascinating. I have mentioned this over and over to people

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Dare to be different. Dare to think for yourself. #DefundTyranny #EndAPECnow #FreedomIsNotFree

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Don’t forget the deployment of nudge theory…the perfect cherry on top of the Venn diagram

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Well written, Jenna. Some still think the jabs saved lives. I was shocked what one told me. They can’t be convinced differently! So glad we, my husband and I, used our critical thinking skills and refused the jabs.The PCP has yet to apologize to us for insisting we take it. I’m a retired RN with a retired license because I don’t want to be forced back to work in the future! Closer to 80 years old than 70! FLCCC, please keep the true health science light on.

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I know people like that too. I asked a guy who worked on my computer recently if he & his wife had taken the jabs. He said of course! I thought oh my goodness...so smart in technology, but so clueless otherwise. Also, my first cousin's whole family got the jabs, including their little one year old daughter/granddaughter! Just sad, & scary.

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Despite all the injuries and deaths -- due to the mRNA injection (not a real vaccine) -- the Big Pharma Cabal (WHO, UN, GAVI, Bill Gates etc.) continues to push this garbage. They are like a vampire that refuses to die. The entire globalist agenda must be brought to an end. And let us not forget that Biden forced tens of millions of Americans to get the jab or loose your job. So he is for bodily autonomy, when it comes to abortion. But he was just fine coercing millions to get jabbed. Oh how soon we forget.

In my version of the Garden of Eden one should always be encouraged to eat from the tree of knowledge but should never meddle with the tree of life as that is above the pay grade of ANY human: past, present or future. Think of the sorcerers apprentice and all the unanticipated problems his meddling created. Those of us that understand the complexity of the global ecosystem tend to abide by the precautionary principle. The globalists have the audacity to think they can meddle with the Tree of Life with no consequence. They they seem to abide by the "Let's just do shit and see what happens" principle. I can't seem to find an antonym for the Precautionary Principle.

Our globalist corporations have obviously ignored this warning as GMO farming began/expanded in the early 1990's. Using CRISPR and other cutting edge technologies they have meddled with the tree of life: terminator seeds, plants that produce insecticides (which we eat), spraying plants with Glyphosate etc. Already it is clear these technologies are causing harm to human health. Then we have fluoride in the water supply, endocrine disruptors, PFAS chemicals etc., in or food and water. None of this makes sense and represents a willful refusal to consider what our collective knowledge (e.g., the tree of knowledge) should be telling us about the harm these substances unleash on the human population. But is goes on unabated because global corporations can profit in the short run.

Then came the Plandemic and the mRNA vaccines the did not prevent infection/transmission but did cause considerable harm and death. Worse yet there is growing evidence that these mRNA injections may actually be modifying our DNA and the consequences are just beginning to be understood. Of course this has all been ignored by globalist corporate media. And over the past year I have read numerous papers about self assembly nanobots within the vaccines and much more. I've yet to write about this subject as, at first, I was a skeptic. But perhaps it is time to cover the subject because there is plenty of evidence/papers etc. which suggest the globalists want to use mRNA concoctions in conjunction with 5G EMF radiation to control our moods and literally allow the government to get inside our heads. And thanks to the author for detailing the programs that are already underway.

It is now obvious that the WEF, UN, WHO etc. want full control of humanity. They aren't even shy about their plans: a Great Reset where you will own nothing (and really won't be happy at all). And it is all spelled out in Agenda21, Agenda2030, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's). They have very complex plans to exert control of every human on planet Earth. Their goal is a fully controlled global population -- which will relegate every human to the status of a slave on a globalist plantation.

WE THE PEOPLE, of planet Earth, need to immediately unite behind our own complex agenda in order to stop this globalist coup. To that end I've put together what I call the "Put People First" agenda, which has developed over the past 5 years. I'm encouraging everyone to endorse this agenda and cite your support at City Council, School Board meetings as well as during protests. As Benjamin Franklin once said at the signing of the Declaration of Independence: "We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Here is the PPF agenda as it currently exists:

* No Lockdowns EVER again

* No forced masking ANYWHERE

* No forced vaccinations under ANY circumstance whether that be from injection, food or chemtrails

* Absolutely no vaccine passports or digital currency

* Reinstate all of those that lost jobs for refusing to get the mRNA injection, including all of our Healthcare workers

* Universal non-coercive choice: Wearing a mask or getting a mRNA injection will be up to each individual and there will be ABSOLUTELY no penalty for not complying in or out of the workplace.

* No more censorship of ANYONE whether that be on social media, corporate media or at the workplace. No one should ever be censored or punished for exercising their First Amendment Right to Free Speech.

* Impeach Biden/Harris and reinstate Trump as our president.

* Stop the LGBTQ and CRT indoctrination in our schools and corporations

* Stop the Climate Agenda and make Energy Independence Priority Number One.

* Send every Illegal Alien, that Biden has brought in through Open Borders, back home.

* Stop the illegal mass imigration invasion worldwide

* Legalize the personal cultivation of Cannabis, Psilocybin.

* Legalize the right to take Ivermectin, Hydrochloriquine and other anti-viral herbs and drugs

* Legalize the right to choose when it comes to vaccines, abortion, drugs etc.

* Eliminate Genetically modified vaccines, plants, animals (fish, cattle etc.) and the use of Glyphosate.

* Eliminate the use of Geoengineering: Chemtrails, HAARP etc.* Eliminate the fluoridation of our water supply.

* Stop allowing Blackrock, and other financial institutions from buying up residential properties which will make it impossible for future families to own a home and build up equity.

* Demand your government defund and exit the UN, WHO and WEF



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Well said. Except maybe add:

Stop allowing China & Bill Gates from buying up farmland, & make them donate the farmland they've already bought back to farmers, who will hopefully use the regenerative farming method to build back minerals in the soil.

Stop destroying food processing companies.

Stop killing massive numbers of chickens & livestock over phony viruses that don't spread.

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Good points. I will probably add the "buying up farmland" to the list. There needs to be an exercise of reciprocity: essentially the Golden Rule. China doesn't allow us to buy their land and neither should we. Our representatives continue to sell us out on this. Between Blackrock buying up residential property and China/US Corporations buying up farmland we are all getting shafted. The Declaration of Independence "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Originally it was supposed to say "Life, Liberty and the ownership of property. Property and gold are some of the few things that allow our citizens to gain equity, even as they continue to debase the value of our currency.

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Wow, didn't know it was originally supposed to include ownership of property, thanks for that info.

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You're correct on the 5G & nanotech. Maybe you follow Dr. Ana Mihalcea, or the four (amazing!) doctors from healingfortheages.com. What they're learning just blows the mind. All this has been well-orchestrated for many decades, & is finally coming together. Even the unjabbed have the nanotech in their blood, as Dr. Ana & Dr. Ed Group are learning from live blood & other microscopy. Dr. Group & his lead researcher are learning what degrades/destroys the nanotech. They talk about it in the monthly Healing masterclasses, & will no doubt talk more about it in the Sept. annual Healing conference (which can be attended in person in Dallas, or virtually). Detoxifying the body's systems, especially the liver that is being hit so hard by toxins from all directions, is crucial.

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I have been reluctant to write about this subject but it is becoming quite obvious it is really going on. I will be writing about it in the near future.

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I know. I hate even telling people about it, but there is definitely a nefarious agenda behind it. I'm going to check out your substack, might subscribe.

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Nauseatingly got yourself stuck in a rabid rabbit hole from hell. Endless bloviating paragraphs literally demonstrating a highly inflamed brain, while pretending to be riding a high horse.

A clear demonstration of a life and brain that is as much of an inflammation generating toxin as the spike protein. Stressed and/or inflamed minds are easily programmed and easily owned. Almost all so-called news sources only feed the public inflammatory noise, and commercially profit off the vulnerability created.

Too many people are living life enslaved to programmed stress and inflammation generating political dogma talking points. Truths and solutions get lost and buried under this type of conjecture and toxic inflammatory noise. This is part of all politics, if you chose join you chose to be owned. There is no good side, all politicians are owned (by the monopoly kings) and want their puppets to be controlled and owned. Left and right politics are probably as dangerous and toxic as the covid vaccine, if not more.

Keep it simple stupid.

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Wow, that was pretty hateful, calling him stupid. I actually liked what he said. Yes, it was long, but the message was good. Guess I'm not as cerebral as you, your post is a bit hard to understand. But I do agree with you that all politicians are owned. Except maybe Marjorie Taylor Greene (who is from my region & whom I voted for twice, though she's never been my favorite person). I've been impressed by what she IS trying to get done, & by how she calls out the RINOs & other lame-butts who sit in DC & do nothing but collect under-the-table funds for doing nothing.

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I think my description concisely summarizes the last four years. And better we actually try to do SOMETHING than constantly bloviate and do nothing. Just my thoughts. Carry on.

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who said we should never put our trust in humans? I think Jesus said that, blind belief, trust and love are reserved only for God. It takes two for love and for lies as well! So this is just a sign we all have a lot of work to do, because when you are susceptable to lies you may well be living one as well

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Jenna has it right. For some time now, I've seen the whole Vaxx-pandemic thing as a massive Idiot test. And most of us have failed it big time. Time to wake up and separate ourselves from the illusion.

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Despite all the quark details of particular actions we can always be certain. No matter what they do to us, whether they've already researched the expected action and result or not, they will always be taking notes and updating their manuals for the next attack. It is the nature of the military which is at the head of most of these operations and it is the nature of governments to keep data and manuals on how to loot control manipulate harm and kill if desired the lab rats in their charge

Count on it. They're taking notes & updating their method & procedures manuals.

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I agree completely.

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It appears that now the powers-that-be will be delivering annual pandemics so they can inject us with more toxic crap, bankrupt the middle class, and continue destroying culture and countries.

They tried hard with monkeypox, but that one failed so the pandemic du jour is now bird flu, for which they’ve already got another improperly tested “vaxscene!” And how lucky for them they’re going to mix it with traditional flu vaccines—already licensed and not needing any emergency use authorization. Ideal for making a liability-free, fast bucks, while simultaneously addressing their population reduction goals.

“Come to the tea party Alice.”

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Yep. No more jabs of ANY kind!! I do have to have deadening with dental work, though I understand some of those vials are contaminated as well, but will just have to try & detox my body. But no more vaccines!

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Amen and great post Jenna 🙏⚔️🙏🩷

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Boy did I love this article, I have been thinking about this for a long time, and to read it was was very satisfying. I love the subject line and I fully agree but really wish it were not true, but it is and the truth is best.

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Do not comply. NEVER again

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Good stuff, Jenna McCarthy. The gullible still out number the awaken in down under Australia, I'm sad to report.

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Likely so in the US, as well. I still hear so many who are still buying the lies hook, line & sinker. So sad.

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People need to be far more outraged!! We were conned. Period. The damage untold and immeasurable. And the media’s complicity must be addressed.

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What I don't understand, because it's irrational, I guess, is why do people like Gates want to limit the population? More people mean more customers and more opportunities to create wealth and innovate.

Clancy's book, Rainbow Six, describes a plot by eco-nuts in the government to murder all but 10000 key people and start over using a virus.

The good guys stopped the plot and left the eco-nuts in their Amazon jungle compound naked and afraid.

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Fewer people are easier to control is my best guess. (Although I am frequently left wondering why they would want to kill off the most obedient… But that’s an entirely different story.) And sounds like a great book!👏

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Peak oil, peak minerals, means peak people.

Or think of it this way. If your super yacht holds 300, 000 gallons of fuel, you would perfer soccer moms walk.

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They seem to want to lower the population to 500k for the purpose of putting them into small areas, leaving the beautiful expansive areas for themselves to enjoy...while the 500k live in crappy areas & are under the control of the evil ones. And like Jenna said, maybe easier to control...not so many that can band together & fight the evil. Who knows, they're psychopaths. Sociopaths. Doing Satan's bidding.

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Who will make the stuff they want?

Socialism is irrational.

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Irrational or not, it appears to be coming to the US. If things don't change. I guess those who are left, after they kill off 7.5 billion...which will take time, they won't do it all at once. Just like what they're doing with the jabs...people are dying ongoing, the excess death rates are skyrocketing from turbo cancers, neurodegenerative diseases, sudden deaths from rubbery clots & heart attacks...& who knows how long that will continue, IF people don't wake up & detoxify their bodies regularly, from all the toxins from our air, food, water, & from shedding from the jabbed...which is happening. These people are absolute psychopaths. Maniacs. Like evil scientists...with no moral values whatsoever, just a God-complex.

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Socialism has been in the USA for over 100 years.

I submit the official start began with the establishment of the FDA with support of 5 large meat packers to limit completion.

Then we had the 16th Amendment, the Federal Reserve, Social Security, ....

We have been living in a socialist state for decades.

As we are seeing, eventually its irrationality catches up to it and more people wake up to its evil.

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You're right, but most haven't realized it. Even I was pretty trusting, prior to 2020, but NO more. What is happening around us has been orchestrated for many decades, some things go back 100 years, some maybe much further. A spiritual war, no doubt, Satan trying to destroy God's creation, including His most precious creation, humanity.

Man has free will, & of course many use that for evil, but I hope & pray that at some point God WILL intervene.

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After combining many sources, I came to the conclusion that socialism is state control of the lives, liberty and property of individuals.

People have been living under the control of their goverment for thousands of years.

The axiom in the Declaration of Independence points out that all people are created equal and are endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights to life, liberty and property. The only legitimate function of a government is to protect our rights.

Look up 1 Samuel 8: 11-20 to see what God thought of government.

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